First Tuesday Steve McQueen American Hero documentary screening

Tuesday, November 5th
Creative Workshop Recording Studio
2804 Azalea Place, Nashville, TN 37204

Potluck style lunch at noon
Documentary screening at 1 PM

Please bring a friend and a favorite dish, drink or dessert.


Steve McQueen is unquestionably one of America's most endearing and intriguing movie stars. While there have been countless biographies focusing on his artistry as an actor, the documentary Steve McQueen American Hero chronicles McQueen's spiritual quest, a side of him that hadn't been covered much in the past.

Synopsis: On the surface McQueen had everything he could want—fame, cars, homes, more money than he could spend in a lifetime. An avid fan of the actor, Pastor Greg Laurie hits the road in his mint Mustang, traveling the country in search of the true, untold story of McQueen's redemption-filled final chapters.

This film we are showing proves that it's never too late to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Mark your calendars: December 3
In our December meeting, we'll listen to and sing Christmas songs. Please join us for our last meeting of 2019.


"Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."
~ 1 John 3:18


As always we thank each and everyone of you for your continued support of GIFT, an organization that helps others including our musical friends in need.